What's love got to do with it?
Its merely 4 letters and to some its beauty can change the world.
To others its as bitter as the horseradish root.
Funny how freely some can throw around while others can barely say the word out loud.
Its a funny thing.
An emotion that we are not necessarily born with. Yet acquire as young as the first kiss, first hug, first taste of something amazing and the site of a sunset across the vast ocean.
I have been told that 'I love to love'.
Indeed I do.
I love so deeply,
I love so purely.
So profoundly.
I love to love.
It took me many years to see what the word truly means. To evolve into the being I am today.
To open my arms to the possibilities and grab at it even if I am afraid.
I love to love.
I wake every morning looking forward to the possibility of new beginnings.
To the hope that the new day will bring me much happiness, great moments and tangible touches.
I desire for each new day to bring greater awareness and understanding to my soul.
I long for new tastes, sounds, friendships and sights that will make my green eyes pop with delight.
I believe you must love deeply to ever receive.
For some will go a lifetime and never open the gifts.
I wonder if the beginning to my openness for love began with the birth of Nathaniel?

I always thought I loved and felt the love.
But to spend your days with a soul that loves so pure, so deep, raw and unbridled is a gift beyond measure.
To have Nathaniel look at me with my hair up in furry, my face puffy from life and my clothes tattered with paint...
"I love you mommy, You are beautiful"....
I have an amazing new friend.
She has taught me more in this year than I have learned in a decade. A deep thinker, she is a soul that radiates beauty and goodness.
She has gifted me the knowledge that in order to receive,
You must put it out there,
The universe must know.
The days must hear you.
You need a new job?
Tell the strangers.
You need a bit of advise?
Admit you were wrong?
Need love to surround you,
Embrace it all.
Open your arms wide to the possibilities.
So that is what I decided to do,
-I let it all go,
the yucky
the ugly
the I can't forgive...
And I asked the universe for love.
Today like many days I feel like I am Joseph with my Technicolor dream coat.
I am wearing the coat of love, acceptance and hopefully solid, sweet, genuine kindness.
I have a grin as wide as the Cheshire cat and yes I have swallowed the mouse.
I am happy, I am loved, I am appreciated and I am me.
I am opening each new day full of gracious love and promise to never throw the word to the wind ever again.
I mean it, I feel it, I exude it and I love it.
Have you loved enough today?
Your moments?
The time...
The aromas, Tastes and the tunes?
I have loved my family, friends and neighbors today so deeply.
I just pray that they heard me, even if my voice was silent, my actions must speak louder.
It is not about the letters.
It is about the feelings,

The clarity and the heart so full it could burst.
So today I pledge,
If I say it I mean it,
If I write it I feel it,
If I want it I'll get it,
And once I get it I promise to share.
Lets just all accept the possibilities of such greatness, never take another single second for granted.
And if you get the chance to get it or give it,
I say go at it with gusto.
Love big,
Brave and fierce.
Because if this is all that there is....
So today like every day..
Be in Love
Give the Love and enjoy every ounce of every delicious morsel.
If you are truly not receiving it in the manner in which you desire,
Toss out the spoiled, and open the possibilities of new.
There is no room in the heart when the space is taken by anything but the purest form of the 4 letter word.
I just LOVE,
to Love.