It has come to my attention that several of my friends have written to you about me...I am flattered of course...But not as flattered as I would be if you had actually written me back:)
I assumed once they told me of their "Get Holly on the Ellen Show" mission you would have already heard the banter in your office, leaped over your assistant and dialed the phone yourself.
Squealing with delight as I answered the phone.
I am neither a thespian or a lesbian although I must admit I have given the later much thought. I am merely a mom. A mom of 5 kids, a wife to a Lieutenant in the Chicago Police Department, a hairdresser, handbag maker, a poet, an artist, a pain in the ass, and an activist. I am insanely cute and infectiously funny. At the very least I have a fan club of 7. Including myself that would be my immediate family.
I am not a celebrity or a rock star in your eyes or the eyes of the masses. But funny enough I became all that and more just 11 short years ago.
I have actually pondered what it would be like for you if you actually birthed a baby- your very own. An ELLEN baby.
I can only imagine that child would be insanely funny, witty, articulate, look fantastic in plain white canvas slip ons and charm their way through any group of beings.
That beautiful blue eyed, toe headed child would probably be born with Down Syndrome.
Because you see, my youngest was blessed with the extra 21st chromosome.
And along with his DS friends he is charming, articulate, hilarious, cusses like a truck driver, stubborn as a mule, can flirt like Don Juan, can read and write and shoot 3 pointers.
He can ignite you with love, honesty and not an ounce of prejudice in him....
He is truly magical in human form.
Ask any parent that has a child who is 'special'.
Something happens to us at their birth.
We become warriors.
Shy, silent types grow wings and learn to fly and protect their young.
Because our world has not yet evolved. We appreciate beauty in the form of retouching and photo shop.
We spend our days hating and wanting and giving so little.
NOT these kids.
The lesson my son would teach if he was in charge?
To be kind.
To be funny.
To listen.
To sing loudly at every song.
To hold hands, and to kiss even when inappropriate.
He would kiss your boo boo's and hold your hand at any age.
He would make it OK to eat cheezits for breakfast and say hello to strangers.
He would not judge-
He would just love.
So my dear Ellen what is my wish?
I don't really wanna be on your show. I don't need the 15 minutes of fame. I will sit in the green room.
Probably sobbing my eyes out.
I want to see an entire stage full of our kids....
YOUR stage.
I want you to dance with our children.
Let them teach you some of their moves.
Elvis didnt actually die my dear- He lives on in every special child.
Showing off who they are.
Showing the world their ability not their disability.
Feature one child a day if you want:)
A child who at 15 just learned to read.
A child that when born the Doctors and nurses told the mom they would never walk, but now they RUN.
A child that's mom heard they will never talk...but now they sing.
So listen Ellen...
I love you, I really do.
And actually you would love me too.
I am a nut....a crazy, funny, warrior nut.
But way more important I am a real mom on a mission to make this a better world.
Once you open up the eyes of your viewing public to the amazement's of our special kids your audience will be forever changed.
Eleven years ago the Doctors and nurses hung their heads at Nathaniel's arrival to this world.
They actually told me they were sorry.
Trust me on this one Ellen,
There is absolutely NOTHING To be sorry about.
I'll be waiting to hear from you. Our suitcases are already packed:)