Shall I continue with, I can barely believe that I went.
And now I am back:(
I was there.
I sat at their tables, in their restaurants.
I am the chosen one.
The one who was able to sleep the entire journey there.
Yes- I didn't even feel the pain.
None of it.
I arrived to a squeal of pure raw delight as I spotted my daughter ahead of me.
No words can describe the love within that moment.
Mommy was there and all was right in the world.
I was escorted by my tall, gorgeous, newly independent daughter through the streets, the boutiques and shops of London.
I had shin splints by the 2nd day.
As an athlete and a ripe 20 year old her stride was close to killing me.
Crazy ugly shoes kept me alive.
All photos have been cropped to forget my fashion faux pas:)
London was a surprise.
Reminded me of Manhattan.
Paris was another story.
I walked out of the black and white subtitled movie that I have watched for ages and my feet actually touched the cobblestone streets of old Paris....I shouted daily "OMG this is exactly what I had imagined!"
My daughter, exhausted by my sheer voice wasn't amused.
Or maybe I was once again out of breath as my daughter was walking in marathon fashion.
I was told that I would stick out.
I didn't.
I blended right in.
There fashion was NOT ahead of ours....
Due to my tall blonde escort most assumed we were from Germany or Holland.
Until we would try to pronounce something on the menu as if our waiter was hard of hearing.
We shouted in our ridiculous pretend accent and humiliated ourselves through many pubs and eateries.
I saw it all.
I teared at the sheer sight of the Louvre.
I was thrilled when my daughter found her lock on lock bridge. She placed it there many months prior.
I really do BELIEVE.
I was stunned by my daughters ability to care for me as we rode more trains in my 10 days than I have ridden in my lifetime...
London I like you. Paris I believe I am in love.
Funny what I will take away from my 10 amazing days isn't a museum or an expensive scarf boutique....Its the realization that we are all the same.
Exactly the same.
I was blessed to not only meet but hang out with my daughters new London friends.
There voices all as sweet as a lullaby.
I listened as they spoke about love and life.
I listened when a stunning girl said she disliked her skin color and wished it was more like mine.
I have spray tanned my lungs orange to look like you..
The words took my breath away.
She was honest and real. Yet as stunning as the day is long.
We all suffer.
Accents and all.
Queens Palace, Gucci and Nutella we all live the same life. Same roads, different paths maybe.
But the same pains, fears, hopes and dreams.
The accents of sweetness may hide the truths for a moment.
But reality sits within all of us.
Indonesia, Paris, Israel. Madrid, USA....we are all the same.
Black, white, Down Syndrome.....We all want the same.
We all shed the same salty tears.
Gain the same weight.
Hurt the same way and learn as we go.
My trip across the pond was full of magical, life changing sights.
My adventure brought me closer to my daughter.
I love her more than life itself.
I tripped over my pride as I watched her grow and mature right before my blood shot green tired eyes.
My trip widened my pupils and brought me to see.
We are all just the same.
Screwed up.
Messy at times.
We all want and need the same things.
How about we give it more than we take?!
How about we teach more than we learn?!
Love more than we hate?!
Talk less.
Listen more.
Thanks London and Paris you gifted me more than chocolate crepes and cider.
You gave me immeasurable gifts once again.
Live and let live.
To accept and appreciate.
Accents and all.
Fish and chips with a side of vinegar.
We truly are one.
Lets start acting that way.