Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving short and sweet:)

Happy Thanksgiving world.

We all have our own ways, traditions and memories of this special day.
The smell of the turkey in the oven, the ever so tightening waistband, the kids all home and sleeping on the couch.
Its a day of reflection and hope for a better tomorrow.
We are to stop.
Sit, eat, rejoice and be thankful.
What are you thankful for?

My thanks have changed over the past several months. I am still and always will be thankful for what is before me.
My children.
My husband.
My  mom.
My friends...extended family..
The obvious wealth of  love.

But my list has grown.
I am more thankful for moments.
Moments when I truly feel alive.
Every breath.
Laughter and tears.
I am more thankful for little blessings.
Merely feeling OK when your feet hit the floor.
Yet so profound.
Living and happiness.

I am thankful that today I feel a little better than yesterday.
I am thankful that I have the  choice to take my weaknesses and to build them stronger.
I am grateful for yet another day here.

With all of the tangible, loving and beautiful pieces of my life.
I am thankful.

The Jews have a saying.
One that I have referred to many times in my life.

What has changed, this night,
from all the other nights?
Mah nishtanah, ha-laylah ha-zeh,
mi-kol ha-leylot
מַה נִּשְׁתַּנָּה, הַלַּיְלָה הַזֶּה
מִכָּל הַלֵּילוֹת

The meaning is vast.
But to me quite simple.
"Why should today be any different than any other day?"

Think about it.
Why today?
Shouldn't we be this thankful every day?
Shouldn't we be grateful everyday?
Keep that skip in your step, make a new casserole, eat a piece of pie and ask a relative a question?


Short and sweet blog today.
Mah Nishtanah.

Make everyday a day to be thankful for.

Simple thanks.
With POWERFUL intentions.

I thank you all for your love and support.
I thank you all for your understanding and acceptance.
I am thankful.
Today and every day.

Happy Thanksgiving.