Wednesday, January 15, 2020


If you are anything like me, you love quotes.

I can sit looking at Pinterest or Instagram for hours,
 Reading, liking..

I do love a good Atticus poem.

But after the new year quotes are close to making me gag.
Throw up.

If I had a damn nickel for every "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger " thrown my way I'd be a fricken millionaire.

But what I see now...

A shit ton of...

"Re Create yourself."

It's the new decade.

Who the f*ck cares.

Its just another flip on my month to month calendar.
No fireworks just a simple page turn.

OK, for starters what if I don't want too?

Maybe this plus sized, sleep eating, once shopaholic, vegetable while watching Bravo doesn't want to change.

Maybe just maybe this is it.

I am hitting my midlife crisis with a Bang.
A full on CRISIS.

When did sluggish and cellulite become my new normal?
When did going out mean I must be home by 8pm.
In order for my 9 p.m. pajama party of ONE.

So here's what I'm thinking,
I need a new tribe.
A few of my old members have drifted into the abyss.
She turned out to be a psycho.
Narcissistic Be-otch, just like you all warned me about.

"Fool me once..."
I dunno, something like that.
Bye Felecia.

IN need of a new gang.

Some folks to keep me accountable.

Keep my twisted head level.

My Ben left for college a few days ago...almost empty nester.
I want to scream.
This sucks wads and I want off the ride.

I want my house full and loud.
Chaotic and crazy.

I want my old life back.

Alas, I gave them wings to fly.

Can I snip their wings when they are not looking?

Can I have a do-over so I can memorize every giggle,
Every sound,
Every morsel?

THEY tell me nope.

That's some straight up BULLSHIT.

Ok, re-create,
The new decade.
Do something powerful.
Life changing.
Save the planet.

Spread your political hate all over until I cannot see straight.
No thanks.

So here's my plan.
my 2020.
I'm gonna be me.
  The 2020 version.

Give way more than I take.

I'm gonna be a straight shooter.

Love my kids like a crazy momma that I am.

Be less Kris Jenner and more Bruce -Kaitlyn Jenner.

Be authentically me.

No I am not transgender.

At least I don't think so.

I'm cleaning house.
Throwing away all the shit from yesterday.
No more crap.

New years resolution is to not make one.

To be me.


That's hard enough.