The beauty on the left is Betsy! |

(Dear readers- Today's blog was NOT written by me. Actually I could have NOT written this any better!)
All I can say after receiving this is,
WOW! Enjoy!
Hol (Dan, Linds, Nick, Luke, Ben, and Nate too),
Just wanted to take a minute (or maybe ten… I tend to ramble) to say
thank you, thank you, ten million times, thank you, for not only
inviting me into your fabulous world, but also for providing me with one
of the most beautiful days I have ever experienced.
I’ve been
blessed with plenty of wonderful “this is what it’s all about” moments…
don’t get me wrong. Up until this point, I’ve always thought that
celebrating during an NBA draft party for my college friend Travis was
at the top of that list. There was such glitter in the air that night –
friends, family, teammates, coaches, and fans all gathered around as a
24 year old boy from Fond du Lac, Wisconsin waited for his name to be
called. We hoped and prayed a little bit more with each pick that
passed, and finally, we heard the announcer say “With the 38th pick in
the 2004 NBA draft, the Orlando Magic select Travis Diener from
Marquette University.” Fireworks. Smiles. Goosebumps. Hugs. Laughter.
High fives. Never-ending tears of joy. It was an absolutely magical
moment, and I felt so lucky to be a part of it. For so long, that night
at the Press Box Sports Bar took the cake for “it” moment of my life.
Today that changed.
didn’t know what to expect before I arrived at Brother Rice. I knew
that there would be a crowd (Holly, you always know how to attract a
crowd) and I knew there would be basketball. But the rest remained a
mystery to me. When I walked into the gym, I immediately saw a sea of
teal, and I was unbelievably proud to have my own teal shirt. (I wasn’t
even there for 2 minutes and I already had my first “gigantic heart
smile” chalked up on the board... wow!) There were hugs, high fives, and
smiles everywhere, and I already knew that this was my kind of place.
Cue the opening ceremony. Cheerleaders of all shapes and sizes with
grins from ear to ear. Priceless. Enter Nate “The Great” Simon. Running
in like a champion, grabbing a rose, and jumping into Mom’s arms. Bring
on the tears of pure joy. And then come 20 more kids, looking like mini
versions of Jordan, Pippen, Wade, Kobe, and Lebron. Absolutely
breathtaking. I found myself in a state of happiness that I can’t even
put into words… and the game hadn’t even started yet!
actual game was the perfect mixture of entertaining, heart-warming, and
inspiring. Although my eyes stayed glued to that gym floor until the
final buzzer sounded, my mind wandered elsewhere. Something inside that
gym smacked me upside the head and made me realize that everything else,
all of the petty, insignificant things that had been clogging up my
brain, didn’t really matter at all.
I wasted 3 years with a
jerk. I have a bunch of grey and white roots that desperately need to be
touched up. My favorite True Religions don’t fit anymore. Work isn’t
challenging or interesting. I don’t have an extra $500 laying around for
Tory Burch riding boots. I need new tires. I didn’t get up and workout
this morning. To all of it… SO WHAT?! Pardon my French, but WHO THE FUCK CARES?! None of it matters!
What does matter, however, is the feeling I got in that gym, watching
precious and innocent kids play the greatest basketball game of their
lives. Making it count… THAT’S WHAT IT’S ALL ABOUT! Who cares if I
(finally) broke up with a jerk?! Now I have time to do the things I love
to do (like spend time with wonderful people and experience new
adventures) and even more importantly, I get to love myself again. My
hair needs a dye job? Big deal. I’ll get to it. My jeans don’t fit
anymore? Make them fit! If a little boy with ankle braces can run up and
down the basketball court like he’s a seasoned NBAer, and a girl in a
wheel chair can cheerlead, I can most certainly put myself on the
elliptical and make those jeans fit again! I’m not happy at work? Find a
new job. Find a cause and devote myself to it. Make a difference. DUH!
Why did it take me so long to figure this all out?!
Today, I had a moment of clarity.
Today, it all finally made sense.
Today, I felt the goosebumps and the gigantic smiles in my heart, and I experienced the most wonderful tears of joy.
Today, I realized that I can make a difference.
was a perfect day, and I know that this is only the beginning. I have
all of you to thank for that. I am truly blessed to have such wonderful,
beautiful, and inspirational people in my life. Thank you, thank you,
ten million times, thank you. I owe it all to you.
With all of the love and happiness in my heart (and believe me, it’s a lot),