Can you imagine my dismay as I sit here with no idea on what to get my mom for her birthday?
Not just any birthday. But a big, beautiful, bursting 80th birthday.
I have already filled her cabinets and counter tops with crap over the years. I have created masterpieces with kids photos and Monet's with photo-shop. She has the grandest clothing. A fresh pedicure. Free haircuts and a closet full of shoes.
Honest to God.
Maybe a little something to open. Something sinful to taste. A new scent to wear and maybe a new cloak of many colors.
Something big.
Breathtaking and wonderful.
Just like her.
Yep- this year she will receive my words.
straight from my right ventricle.Honest, raw and inspiring.
Here it goes mom.
The gift that keeps on giving.It took me awhile to see you.
To really focus.
To understand what it means to be a mom.
Through your grace,
Your dedication
Desires and
I get it...I really do understand.
I gained some clarity on the day my first child was put into my arms.
When I smelled the unforgettable scent of her skin. The promises that I whispered into her ear.
The bargains I made with God to keep her protected.
She would be loved.
I remember in vivid technicolor the times you would pick me up no matter of the time. No questions asked. Just giving me a soft place to fall.
I remember the love for art that you instilled in me as we entered the halls of the vast museums.
The curiosity that was poured into my soul.
from the zoo.
the playground,
candy shop,
and vacations.
I remember the moments that shaped my future.
Without knowing you gave me gifts of hope.
hard work
and believing.
It never wavered.
You were my loudest cheerleader .
My one loyal,
honest, faithful
true friend.
I am who I am solely because of you.
My bricks and mortar.
You gave me my wings to fly and if they ever bent you were right there to straighten them.
I cannot imagine a life without you in it.

they cannot be measured.
Words do not give them justice.
But my actions must speak louder.
You have taught me to make a difference.

To laugh at myself. But never at others.

To accept.
To know that I can be anything- anywhere at anytime.
With great confidence and pride.
To walk tall.
To acquire my own happiness.
You have given me gifts without price tags.
I will make a difference in this world. All in your honor.
I am a mom of great value.
Full of integrity and sprinkled with glitter.
Your legacy will live on,
that is my gift.
I will carry on believing that I can make a difference in this world.
You are loved.
You are appreciated.
You are my foundation and my mentor.
You are my muse and my wing man.
You are loved beyond measure.
You are my friend
and my confident.
You are my spectacular mom,
Happy Birthday

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