They say I wouldn't be human if I didn't have those moments.
The trick to this one may just be simple....
do not let the negative moments run on too long.
Keep on Trucken'!
Move ahead,

Get some sleep!
And remember that its not about ME.
Great thing about the memory.
It fades.
Sometimes completely erased!
Do you remember exactly how you felt the first time you jumped on top of your 2 wheeler?
Or the moment that a green forest looking vegetable was about to enter your mouth?
Remember those moments that you thought you would never get through.
Gigantic hurdles that skewed your vision.
Moments that seemed to take eternity to get through.
You thought you would crumble.
You could not see the light at the end.
You were scared.
You felt alone in a crowded room.
You truly thought that at that moment you were about to be swallowed alive.
Do you remember?
Now they are gone.
Faded memories.
Only the strength is remaining.
From what you learned along the way.
AND you are here.
You did it.
Its funny how age brings with it so many gifts.
The crows feet, arthritic joints and gray hair.
It also brings wisdom.
Solid and vibrant and tangible wisdom.

An enormous technicolor, 3-D dreamer.
Difference between my dreams and reality?
I make my dreams come true.
If it is possible, than it shall be.
No room for make believe in my 24 hour day.
If I can dream it..
I can do it.
If I can see it.
Then I can be it.
(boots are shaking....)
Enter~what I see.
My vision.
My hopes, dreams and soon to be REALITY.
I see simple love.
A smile.
A warm hello.
A shared glance of acceptance.
A village,
A city,
A state,
Our world.
All united with one simple message.
Coming together with the same thoughts.
To love and be loved.
To live and let live.
To not just read the poems but to live the words.
Your daily mantra.
Etched deep into your soul.
Let us all celebrate each other.
Our uniqueness does not label us.
It is who we are.
It just is.....
Being different is the spectacular landscape that we live in.
It is our chosen cloak.
You can not decide what is right for me.
You can not pick out my life's wardrobe.
Its inside.
Deep inside the layers of our humanity.
It is who we are.
Simple, defined, raw and honest.
Let us all begin right here.
In our homes.
On our streets.
In our work place.
and where ever we may roam.
Accept me for who I am.
I cannot be who you want me to be.
I cannot be who you think I should be.
I am just me.
I am who I am.
So maybe the self doubt is what keeps me going.
This is certainly not an easy road. My map seems a bit off kilter at times.
The future is only a moment away.
Yep- I'm nervous.
Wouldn't you be?
I've gotta knock on doors.
Break some walls down.
Slap a few million peeps up-side their heads.
Move a mountain here and there.
And keep my fingers crossed that they will listen.
Good thing about the memory....
I have already forgotten about my self doubt.
Move the frick over.
Here I come.
Celebrating acceptance through awareness.
(please check out
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