Funny thing about writing.
You have to do it.
You must get it out.
Some have called me crazy.
Others just shake their heads.
But a writer, an artist is full of so much.
Kinda like a hoarder.
If you don't start the process of getting rid, it will just keep on filling up. Lending no room for the next fill.
An over flow if you will.
If you know me, and most of my readers do.
Then you know a little about me.
Holly's world.
It can be a strange place up in here.
A colorful, electric, shiny and silly place to visit.
A world that rarely shuts down, and yet holds the ability to see and comprehend even the tiniest of moments.
I think we are all uber weird.
I like that about us.
The stranger the better as long as the strange stays within legal limits.
I have grown to realize that I love the written word so much. It inspires me with simple verses.
I adore art and all is glory in all aspects. My mind begins to drift into a happy place at the mere sight of something I deem beautiful.
I am daily humbled by natures magnificent array of magic. I know that I am merely the tiniest speck of sand on the oceans shoreline. But I am grateful to be given these gifts.
I appreciate it all.
So many of us run through our day without any sense of appreciation.
A kind word goes unnoticed.
The sweet smell in the air after a summer rain is ignored and the freshly etched sand carving is washed away in the tide.
I do what I do cuz I can.
I had a gigantic ah-ha moment recently. You can only have one if you are ready. The moment where you get it.
That bad is bad and good is good.
That I am, and I will.
That I choose my destiny.
That I have no control of others.
But within the magical, mystical moment that I am reminded that this is mine, I am humbled that I have the cards. I hold the deck. Its my hand and my turn, and it is magnificent.
I can rid my life of toxins and surround myself with greatness.
I hold the wheel and its gonna continue to be one hell of a ride.
All mine.
I get to actually choose how I feel.
How I react and how I live.
Cuz I can.
Sending my oldest off to college just might be the hardest thing I have ever had to do. But at the same time I am beyond excited for her wisdom to begin.
Her moments, her joys, her music and her one act play.
So, I'm holding onto this new found wisdom and moving forward.
Tomorrow will be better than today, cuz I want it to be.
I do what I do cuz I can.
I am who I am,
cuz that's all I know.
Whens the last time you thought of that?
Who, what, where and why?
You just might be surprised by the answers.
You can't ask me to guide you on this one,
You have all the answers inside.
Listen to the tiny little voices.
I'm not the only one.
Hah, crazy you say?
I'm crazy okay.
Living, loving, evolving, embracing and enjoying.
Hope you are too.
How do I find the time?
I have too.

Because I must.
Did I mention that I barely sleep?
that just might hold all the answers!
I love how you love!