I am so disgusted,
and unsure of humanity.
My oldest son went with his friends this weekend to visit a College on his bucket list. It was a fun filled weekend full of girls, boys, laughter, no sleep and probably alcohol.
I am hopefully not too naive on the goings on in College life. I never did go.
Beauty school and a bit of a Junior College was enough for me. But visiting and listening to wild stories has always filled my void.
My, just out of diapers son, Nick who is a mere 17 frolicked among the ivy league, pretending he was the College stud. He and his buddies welcomed themselves into a gigantic animal house style party. My son said it was mobbed, shoulder to shoulder. A setting that is often found on the big screen. The party you just cannot miss.
As my son entered the front door he ran into a neighborhood friend and they began to chat a bit. Within minutes a GIGANTIC young football player was ready to leave the party.
With his girlfriend in tow, the enormously muscular young man pushed through the crowd yelling, "Move the F#*K out"!!!! Someone near by muttered, "Whats with the Beef Head?"
The gigantic young mans ever so darling girlfriend heard the words and immediately told her boyfriend.
Testosterone, muscles, upbringing, television, video games, and our nasty world stirred in the head of the not so pleasant tough guy.
He grabbed the nearest kid, who happened to be the friend of my sons from our hood.
He summoned this boy into the kitchen that was over crowded with onlookers.
He MADE the young man get onto his knees, and in front of his peers he nailed with vengeance powerful blows to this innocent boys face.
I think the bile in my throat reached an all time high just from the belittling of summoning him onto his knees.
The visual still haunts me.
Yes, the crown was dead silent. My son quaking in his boots. Afraid to sneeze, let alone barely breathe.
Silence, no one said a word. The fear was deafening.
Did we?
How does this happen?
How was this type of hatred not noticed years ago?
Get on your knees as if I am Superior? OH MY GOD.
The story and a million stories get worse. My daughter proceeded to tell me that back in her day, if a young boy was feminine the punishment would be the same. Maybe worse.
A child with a speech impediment, YEP fair game?
I cannot get the visual out of my mind.
I cannot get the red hatred out of my cornea.
The fear this boy must have had as he knelt down must have been immeasurable.
The crowd was silent. I cannot blame them. They were next.
Who watched as he worked diligently around the clock to form those massive muscles but did nothing on his character?
Who was his neighbor, his teacher, his friend, his solid foundation?
Where were we?
Pick on someone your own size?
Dear Lord, I am quivering. This wasn't just an isolated moment.
Please, please, please TALK to your kids, look them in the eye as you speak.
Speak loud and strong.
Hold them tight and shower them with the love and confidence they need.
Protect them from harms way and teach them to protect others.
TEACH them about differences.
I suppose I would like to spend 15 minutes alone in a locked room with the muscle heads father.
Yep- He learned this somewhere.
Did you parent him?
There is time to fix, and time to heal.
Please get down on your knees and TEACH.
It just has to get better than this.
Such an important post. Thank you, Holly.