Give me a few days off and I am manic.
Gotta do something, paint something, fix something or at least help someone.
I hate wasted time.
But is it really wasted?
Time goes by so quickly that we cannot even capture it.
As soon as it is....IT vanishes.
Like a whisper in the dark or a snowflake hitting a warm window pane.
We are all handed the same year.
A gift as you will.
Shaped and sized differently.
But a simple, full bodied, 365 day year.
We were given the chance to rewrite our story.
What did you do with your year?
Did you get the chance to check off something from your bucket list?
Did you eat at a new restaurant while experiencing a new taste?
New sounds?
Did you give more than you got?
Or did you take more than you should?
365 days is a long time, and yet, poof its gone.
A year wiser?
It has a splendid year, if I continue to look through my rose colored glasses.
I had sand beneath my feet, warm chocolate chip cookies inside my mouth and laughter from inside my belly.
I gave at times till it hurt and I made new friends.
I said good bye to a few that hurt me.
I realized that since time was fleeting I better clean house now.
No time to waste.
My turn.
After all, it was MY year.
You had you're own.
I jumped off a bridge with my glittering green eyes closed and started the I Am Who I Am foundation.
Dreaming that I can make a difference.
Hoping that you would hear me.
Praying that you would listen.
Getting to see the changes in motion.
Tangible, exciting changes.
Helping, healing and giving.
My way.
I dreamt it.
And it became.
Now I get another shot at another 365 days.
We must point our pendulum in the right direction.
Auto pilot might not always work.
We must-
Set our goals, our desires our hopes and our future happiness.
What will it take to make the next New Year your very best?
The brightest, boldest, clearest, happiest year yet?
One small step in the right direction can lead millions.
It takes a moment to decide to walk the path of helping your brother.
To do more and talk less.
To regain the power in your soul to light the world on fire.
To say you are sorry when you are wrong and to lend your hand when your sister is reaching.
One step in the new year,
One new direction.
One new way of thinking.
One new sacrifice,
One new enormous gift of time.
I don't have all the answers.
Lord knows I am as humble as they come.
But I do profess that it takes a village.
But it also can just take one.
Make the change you wish to see.
Be bold, be loud be significant.
Be amazing and fulfilled.
Let go of what hurts you and set it free.

Do more and want less.
Give, just give.
I promise it will bounce back ten fold.
Maybe in another fashion but baby it will bounce.
Be greatful.
Be blessed.
That this is just bigger than you.
Be a friend, a leader, a kind and gentle friend.
Be honest and trustworthy.
Be your very own best friend and follow your heart.
Be unique and inspiring.
Be all the things you admire.
Follow it even if it scares you.
The easy road usually isn't always the best path.
I have been kicked down and decided to kick back harder.
I have been exhausted and afraid.
But its not a choice to give up.
We are given the gift of time.
A new splendid, technicolor year .
G-d be willing a 365 day clean slate filled with good health, happiness and humongous smiles.
You choose how you will spend it.
Its yours to sculpt.
But for me?
You all know what my choice is....
A killer new pair of shoes and rocking the New Year with vengeance and vibrancy.
Bring it on world I am ready.
I am who I am.
And today I am awaiting a new frigging year ahead.
Let us decide to live in a world with less pain and less worry for all.
Let us embrace those who need to be held.
May we pray for those that we cannot heal and let us hold onto the hopes for a brighter, bolder, more magnificient, peace filled year ahead.
Happy New Year- After all it is your choice to be happy!
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