I swear the hallmark cards and country songs have all been written about or for me.
They ring that bell, resonate in the inner ear like a pinprick reminding us of the beauty in words.
Just words.

Using them with no backup no meaning is deafening.
Free them from the bottom of your soul with powerful force and great meaning and they can change lives.

Have you ever received a compliment?
A simple one, yet it lights you up like the White House Christmas tree?
A simple moment in time, where a stranger notices something delightful about YOU.
And gifts you with their words.
Truly Magical.
To me.
At times I may bestow my made up words to you.
Yep- I cannot spell and English as my first and only language appears to be my constant struggle.
But as the Norm Crosby of my generation,

With passion and great love.
At times you tell me to breathe, to relax, to slow down.
Its not who I am....
So many things to say, so little time.
If today was my last day?
Hold nothing back.
Have no words left un-said.
I treasure words that are given to me as sacred as a little blue Tiffany box, more vital to my being than a bouquet of Gerber daisy's and more heartfelt that my favorite perfume.
The gifting of words.
I decided to reach out to an old friend the other day.
Not certain if she would remember me...
"Holly, not only do I remember you (duh!), but I follow your foundation and so admire what you do. I actually read your blog post about Nate's birth and was stunned (and saddened) by your experience. I can't believe what you've accomplished in a year!! Your message is so basic, yet profound, and relevant for all our kids. And I think your simple act of bringing blankets to hospitals is genius...what a gift to families. What a difference you are making!
I'm truly honored you thought to ask me to help. And I would love to. "
Look at what she gave me.

Certain days my cup truly runneth over. So I package these gifts into little compartments in my scattered little crazy head and reserve the right to open them when I need.
I am learning to gently remove the vast array of hollow, empty words as well.
The smoke blown up my tush by so many.
Not certain if they understand that words are meant to be real.
No poetic justice allowed in Hollys World.
Just honesty.
Shoot from the hip.
No filter.
Just real.
Life changing,
I daily think about this...
"To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world."
Absolutely friggen right on.
Make your letters that form into
melodic words count.
Gift them out freely yet honestly.
If that is all you can give,
Give it all.
If that's all you can give,
make it count.
If that's all you can give,
I'll take it with open arms.
Thanks to you...My world of friends.
Without you I could not move mountains, or change perceptions.
Being a rock star alone in my teeny bathroom is no jubilation.
Sharing our lyrical words gives us immeasurable status.
Love you peeps. Without you,
I would be talking to myself.
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