Sunday, February 10, 2013

It really does bounce back...

There are days, weeks, months that just blend together. 
You dread the day, but when you're in it, it vanishes.
As quickly as a frozen snowflake as it hits the warm window shield.
Its gone.
Today I sit here on a gloomy Sunday...
Not gonna move for awhile.
 I'm going to cherish the gift of time right now and not waste a moment.

Its bouncing back.
Everything is bouncing back and today I want to bring it back up.
Hold it again and cherish the kindness.

In a months time.
So many things can chance.
New days, new beginnings.
New adventures take just one step.
New loves, begin with a simple hello.
Kindness at every corner comes back ten fold when given freely, honestly.

Hollys World.

A place that is surrounded by Silliness.
Great colors.
Mystic music.
Tangible moments.
Milk Chocolate.
Stinging smiles.
Powerful words.

That's what I choose to surround me.

Kindness was once something I took for granted. If it was there, great.
If it wasn't....
I could walk away.

But as the years pass me by, simple kindness has such a profound impact on who I am.

It comes to me in neon.
Not able to dismiss.
It takes my breath away.

This month, I received in the mail a wonderful book from a brand new friend.  Yep- she was thinking of ME....she wrote beautiful words and gifted it all to me. 

How did I get so lucky?

Then a few coffee dates with some new friends that will forever be kept close. Wanting to spend their time with me.

I spent the day at Misericordia the other day.  I walked around with a heavy yet grateful heart. I was witnessing amazing beauty at every turn.  Mother Theresa kind of kindness.  Teachers that spent days on end to see even the smallest of achievements from her students. True kindness. Not because they had too. But because they wanted too.

I received a note from a National Blanket manufacturer. 

They LOVED I am who I am's message.
To accept and appreciate every special child...
So they donated.....
400 blankets.

Then just yesterday another bright light in my life dropped off some chocolate covered strawberries.  Just for me.

I'm starting to get this thing called life.
Its easier than I ever thought.

Be yourself.
Your genuine crazy ass self.

But don't forget to simply be kind.
Genuinely kind.

As I pay these gifts forward each and every day I am once again humbled.

Thank you never feels enough.

But LIVING the right way does.


  1. a. this made me smile and b. you have fantastic hair.

    1. hahaha its all in the hair:) Glad it made you smile!!!
