Truly- maybe the best line I have ever heard to date.
It was said to me by a client that saw that I was posted in Sundays Tribune as a "remarkable woman."
Yes-Virginia I really am just a hairdresser,
I am a mom of 5,
a purse designer,
a cook,
a potty trainer,
an artist,
a writer,
a nut job,
a therapist,
a cab driver,
a laundry do-er
a seamstress,
a sock picker upper,
a shopper,

trail blazer-Ha.
I am,
a wealth of a little bit of knowledge,

milk chocolate loving,
a tad over weight.
I have crazy hair,
I am shrinking,
I am bold,
I am a girl,
I am a daughter,
a sister,
an Aunt,
a niece,
a cousin,
a cryer,
a romantic,
a hugger,
a goofball,
I am a teacher.
I am a shoulder to cry on,
I am a mentor,
I am adventurous,
I am a believer,
a wanderer,
and a friend.
I am stubborn,
I am daily teetering on the edge.
I am scared,
I am happy,
I am glittery,
I am an advocate,
I am fierce, brave, strong, loud, funny, sarcastic, gentle, giving, loyal, manic.
I am a hairdresser.
Today I was still all of those things.
But today I was PROUD.
I am often thanked for the job I do here on this earth. I usually shrug it off, not able to take the pat on my back. Always wondering if they are talking about someone else. I have always wanted to meet this 'fierce warrior'.
She sounds amazing.
Lately, I understand my purpose more and more.
Why I was born, why I landed here. Why I am the way I am.
Its clearer now that the rain has gone (Ha it always ties into some great song...) I can see all obstacles in my way, gone are the dark clouds that pass me by...Its gonna be a bright, bright sun shiny day!
I have decided that this is so easy for me to do because all I am doing is walking.
Its not a speech or an act.
It's my life.
Its our life.
We are all effected in some way.
We have all at one time or another felt unworthy or less than. Maybe we are uncomfortable in a crowded room. Feeling odd and out of place.
Well, that's how our special children sometimes feel.
I don't want to give sermons daily. My soap box is about to crack in half.
I just want you all to live it with me.
Don't talk the talk.
Lets walk the walk and live like we all belong.
Cuz, we really do.
We all have the right to be here.
We all started the same,
We were mere little babies.
Given the same open endless possibilities of future.
No doors were closed in your face.
No one turned their backs.
I have to fight for my son.
I have to shout for the other children.
Our special children have possibilities and dreams,
likes and loves just like you do.
They all have a story,
I AM........
Take a minute and focus on who they really are.
Talk to them,
engage and nurture.
Today I was humbled.
Today I really, really knew that I have made a difference.
TODAY I accepted that I was doing something good.
I was given a donation today from a mom who lost her special child. At her child's birth they wrapped her baby in a baby blanket. God decided to take her baby way too soon.
The special child was wrapped gently in the warm blanket and was laid to rest.
This amazing mom never forgot about that blanket.
Although it held great loss for her it was in fact a soothing reminder that others cared. A gentle hug of kindness and warmth.
I was able to purchase the first of many baby blankets .
I sat and stared at the blankets,
I touched them, I smelled them, I saw them wrapped around a gift.
Today was the beginning to great things.
I am who I am Congratulations blankets will be in all Chicago area hospitals.
Just give me some time.
These parents will know they are not alone. The 'Congratulations' on every blanket will remind these chosen families to believe.
I am so proud.
It took me awhile to get here.
It has been a huge pill to swallow.
I cannot believe that its me that was able to purchase these blankets in honor of a friends baby.
I cannot extend my words higher or my gratitude deeper.
I am just a hairdresser.
Click on www.iam-whoiam.com
Pay Pal available!!
Thank you all!
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