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My best friend! |
Lord knows I'm really never at a loss for words, days my brain just runneth over..
I think you all understand.
Life gets in the way.
Good life,
and not so good life.
A day that could crush me, a moment that is raw and painful,
But the beauty of a new day, a new dawn and the unexpected greatness of something amazing.
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My high school friends! |
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30 years later! |
The world does work,
In mysterious ways.
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high school buds, and still today! |
But I still teach.
Never thought I was a preacher,
But I still preach.
What does that word mean to you?
Really think about it.
If you are young it may hold one meaning.
But for me, it has taken on a life of its own.
I have taught on this subject and preached.
But damn, once again I am merely learning.
Over the past years I have had to re-evaluate what the meaning of friendship is. I have had girlfriend's since I was little...We may only speak occasionally. But I love them, and they know that. I would drive 5 hours to wipe their tears and I would listen for hours about their day.
I have pals that I made once my children were born. Close like sisters as we have walked side by side through the journey of raising a family.
My mom has always been my best friend, with a close second to my daughter.
They would fight off a lion if need be, lift a car or run through the desert to help me.
my neighborhood girls! |
They would never hurt me.
I remember a seminar that I took many years ago. It taught me that if you truly open up to someone, deep, that they will never hurt you. They are too vested in you to do any damage.
The countless hours I have spent with my daughter teaching her that you must be a good friend to have a good friend. Sometimes may land on deaf ears. As teens seem to forget the golden rule of not talking behind some one's back or judging someone. It will take time for the youngens to catch on.
Until then I will lead by example.
The other day I was engaged in conversation with some moms of special children. We got on the subject of friends.
Now this is where I wanna puke.
When your special child is small, everyone wants to be there friend.
Kinda like a puppy. So cute.
So innocent.
But then the child grows.
Sometimes the gap widens and where Nate is 9, but can act like he is 5, the friendships get tougher and tougher to hold onto.
These were moms of teenagers.
As you know I am Scarlett O'Hara,
Thought I could just worry about all this tomorrow.
OK, just imagine.
Come on,
even though its not your child.
They are your friend, they are your buddy....
But the phone doesn't ring.
The play dates don't exist.
Maybe the parents are afraid....
Your child comes out of the box unaware.
Its the parents that guide them into friendships...
not fears.
Do not judge me by the costume I wear.
The real me is inside.
Behind the tattoos and fur.
Its me.
Just a boy.
Just a friend.
So, not only do I have to figure out why at my age there are
people that wanna be you, take and never give, hurt you because they can. Walk away because its easy. Hide when the skys get dark, and seek meanness when they are able.
People that you thought were your friends but just are not forever.
I realize now that even when you think someone is wearing angel wings,
sometimes they just might be hiding something underneath.
But not with special kids.
No agenda here.
And the other million Nate's that sit at the park alone.

Maybe our kids run slower.
Maybe they speak a bit unclear.
But they are friends.
They need friends.
They want friends.
They deserve friends.
Just like you do.
So take a moment and get to know someone special. Look inside, behind the glasses, braces or stutter.

Funny thing about friends.
Sometimes you end up needing them more than you ever realized.
By the look of what is around me, I must be doing something right.
I am surrounded by love.
Good people.
People I trust.
I may have to do some weeding once in awhile.
Thorns may pop up in my glorious garden.
But I need my peeps to shine.
I will be your forever friend.
As long as you will be mine.

You are one in a million! I wish I could wire-tap your brain so I could know what you're thinking all the time and not have to wait for you to update your blog! Keep up the good work. You're a rock star!!