Yep- even cheery, cup always half full people get a tad weary in their boots.
Lack of sleep, human nonsence and good old fashioned 'filled my plate up too much' has put me in this pickle.

Gee really?
Ask a wife how many balls she juggles as her hubby relaxes on his lazy boy.
We are born multi-taskers.
Take it to an extreme sometimes.
But I have no idea how to jump off the moving walk way.
Ok lets see,
I bet there are many of you that will read this and shake your head in agreement...
I am a,
breakfast maker, tooth brusher, lunch maker, coffee drinker, dishwasher loader, crumb catcher, news paper getter, t.v. turn- offer, kleenex picker upper. Lights turned off, toilet seat down, backpack checker and general good morning cheerleader.
This is all done even before some peeps feet hit the floor.
Its merely 7 a.m.
Who's complaining?
Fine, not me.
But ball juggling,
10-20 big balls all in the air at the same time?
Now thats just talent.
Pure amazing grace talent.
Today halfway between my inside meltdown number 34 of the day, I was reminded why I would take my life, my problems, my anxiety and damn day.
Its Nate, its always Nate.

Life would be so much sweeter.
Im so many ways,
on so many grand levels.
When Natie was little (like yesterday) he said hello to everyone.
I mean everyone!
But he just said hello.
The hibitual habit took back seat for awhile to a more timid child.
Until this week.
Nate the great has returned with even better schtick than before.
Yes- he has perfected his Dana Carvey routines.
Has a few scenes from The Cat In the Hat down pat.
Dances and sings "more cowbell!"
But now he says 'hello' again.
And he means it.
Everywhere we roamed today fortunate strangers were greeted with a genuine "hello, what is your name?"
The joy oozed out of their pores.
The kindness was bounced back ten fold.
Wow- how friggen lucky am I to be apart of such amazement.
A real movement of kindness.
Alas, My Natie is back in full powerful, life changing and celebrating ways.
If you would have told me then...

Hard to believe it now.
But the gift of an extra chromosome has changed my life.
It has changed my families, friends and neighbors.
But now the gift has returned onto our entire universe.
Hope you all can handle the love.
He's got lots to share.
So, if you're anything like me....
I'll take the shit that life throws me.
My problems seem small in the grandiose world in which we live in.
But to Natie, its all in a hello.
If only we could teach this stuff.
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