Don't we all?

Yet, I carry a boat load of secrets underneath my glittery existence.
I've come to believe its actually the secrets that keep us strong.
WE spend a lifetime covering them up.
To protect others from seeing or feeling our pain.
The mask we wear so our parents dont feel our failures.
The makeup we adorn so our kids do not see our defeat.
Bandages, tears, nightmares, alcohol, drugs, sleeping pills, hot fudge sundaes.
All covered by multi dimensional thick skinned scars.
Warrior wounds that keep us strong.

I believe in choice.
I believe you really can make the most of your choices.
Truth is,
I'm scared.
Tired, lifeless and wounded.
But MY choice is which box to place that shit in.
Seems like MY boxes overflow quickly.
I'm not complaining just reality.
So instead of carrying that burden on my very week shoulders, I toss the boxes away.
I don't store them to reopen later.
Whats the advantage of that??
We all have boxes. Some people have so many boxes full of shit they are unable to see past the mound.
I'm here to say-
I've felt pain.
I have shed tears.

I have loved and lost.
I have witnessed incredible sadness.
I have stood still when my body was in shock by the worlds cruelness.
I have heard words no child should hear.
I have been taken advantage of.
Cut and lied too.
I'm not any of that shit.
I am my new shit.
I may sound mad, angry pissed off.
Maybe I am-
I am allowed.
People have said to me "If you didn't have bad luck you wouldn't have any luck at all."
Do people really hear what they are saying?
Serious IDIOTS.
I'm here to hear you, you moron.
Looks like I have nothing but LUCK.
My shit hasn't killed me.
It ain't gonna kill me now.

Tossing the BS boxes into the Lake and carrying on with a HOLLYWEAR bag.
I have choices.
So do you.
Never forget that.
Its simple stuff.
Today I choose to smile and enjoy 2 cups of tea...
Strength truly comes from within my friends.
I have no magic pill.
NO great words of amazing wisdom.
Just buck up and enjoy.
If you are here to read this it means you have been gifted another day.
Lets toss our boxes in the lake all at the same time.
Who needs them any longer.
If you choose to keep yours
be my guest to carry my load as well.
You're a crazy Mother F*cker if you don't learn this as quickly as possible...
Truth is we only have one life.
Live it.
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