Monday, December 3, 2012

A life without Nate?

Today's blog is a must read.
I have decided to share a little education as well as
my usual cup full of glitter.

How can you educate the ignorant?
Through honesty.
How can we bring awareness?
By working together.

I talk endlessly about my main man Nate.
Nate the Great.

I rarely go inside. I don't take the layers off.
But its time.

There are so many groups out there, many Facebook pages. Some go as far as to say they can "fix"...

So many photographs and thousands of written words.

Fix what?
Change what?
I see beauty.
Don't you?
It's time we understood.
(celebrating all special children!)
We live in a world of immediate gratification. No denying that. We usually get what we want, when we want it.
We live in a world where beauty equates wealth, education and standards.
No denying that.
We live in a world where we strive for perfection. Highest points scored, longest jumps, grades going towards Mensa and salaries built around superstars.
We live in a world where we take so much for granted.
At least until it is gone.
The mystical shape of the snow flake on our car window.
(happy beautiful 1st birthday!)
The smell of the ocean as the tide waves her way in. The mystic sunset on a foggy autumns day that breaks through the clouds like gold.
We take for granted our health until we take our last breath.
We take for granted our friendships until they have moved on, and we take advantage of love, as if there was an abundance.
I began the I AM WHO I AM foundation to erase the preconceived notion of perfection.
It was at Nate's birth that others deemed him not worthy of smiles, high fives and jubilation.
He has proven beyond measure that he is deserving. He has proven beyond a doubt that we all are worth the time, worthy of the acceptance and the patience.
No one painted a perfect world, so why should only perfection be allowed to celebrate?
(no greater love)
Down Syndrome is named after Dr. Down, a British Doctor known for his description for the genetic disorder.
4,700 babies are born each year with Down Syndrome.
That is an average of 1 in 830 babies.
To me that is a jackpot win. I am the one who pulled the Vegas handle down and the coins began to pour.
Trisomy 21 is an extra chromosome condition.
We have 46, where they have 47.
DS people generally have lower cognitive ability, low muscle tone and slow physical growth.
50% of babies are born with congenital heart disease.
They have a higher rate for Leukemia.
I believe that we have a greater rate of stepping off the curb and getting run over by a bus.
A higher rate of failure, not finding a job. Losing in love and gaining great depression.
Did you know that 70-90% of Down Syndrome babies are aborted?
YOU heard me.
Think deep and hard about that.

No more Nate's in the world.
No more free hugs.
Wet lip kisses.
Saturday night live impersonations and swear words?

No more silly faces, hand shakes and radiance?
No more deep love that oozes into everyone he meets.
No more laughter from his giggles. No more achieving his goals  to vote, or to become a rock star.
Because the world wants a perfect place.....
I am who I am cannot hand you all the answers. It can't tell you it will all be OK.
It can convey that the journey is amazing once you accept. It will show you a new way of thinking, by accepting.
I am who I am is here to celebrate all SPECIAL children.
Purple, polka dot and bent.
Nate might not be perfect, but who is?
I would NOT change a thing.
Many years ago I looked into my husbands eyes and asked him "If God granted one wish, and said Nate could be 'normal', would you take it?"
I never waited for the answer.

I would not change one step we have taken. There have been some rocks to stumble over and a few hills to climb. But rather than see the mountain ahead, I take a deep breath and smile.
I have the perfect child.
He just so happens to have an extra chromosome.

(please consider helping us on our way to educate Nurses, Doctors, family and friends.This really does take a village. Visit any and all donations greatly appreciated!)

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