Monday, February 6, 2012

It's half time America.

Maybe that was the first football game I have watched in its entirety. 
I think it was because I was too exhausted from the weekend to get up.

I love football...When one of my son's are playing.
Other than that...
not so much.

I have never rooted strongly for one team over the other.
Don't care.
 Never did.
I try to understand.
But on this- we may just have to agree to disagree.
I do love one thing.
The unity.

Strength behind passion.

I cannot muster up passion for cute boys throwing a ball around, making millions of dollars as their mom's pray that their heads do not snap off.
(I may erase this blog if any of my boys make it to the NFL.)
Highly doubtful as they quiver at the sight of a pig skin diamond shaped ball.

But I do love your excitement. 
football frenzy.

So what if my passion lies in great beauty, magical melodies and dynamic tastes.  You can have your game.
Passion is passion.
No matter how you slice it.

I did have one solid moment of spine tingling happiness.
(gheez for all of you with dirty minds- really?)

Thank you, Clint Eastwood.
LOVED your commercial.
I know they weren't exactly your words.
But you said them so I could hear .

And DAMN dude-
I heard you.

It went a little like this....

'It's halftime America.
the teams are now in their locker rooms discussing how to win the game..
planning their come back.
We too are planning our come back.
we are all scared-
because this is not a game....
yada, yada, yada,

We rally for what is right
and act as 0ne.
we will find our way through.....
Ya' its halftime America,
and our 2nd half is about to begin.'

(I used a bit of poetic licence)

I loved it.
Dirty Harry shot me right in the bicep.
OOOOh, how I love moments like that.
In between eating my weight in doritos and Chocolate covered peanuts.
He rocked those words.
Now that the teams have divided. We can come back.
We can unite.
Together to make this better.
Better for ourselves.
Better for our children.

Lets all go in the locker room and discuss.
Time on the clock is running out.
We need a strategy..
Make a plan.
Get it right and  fight to the end.

Its a game called LIFE.

and its ours to win.


  1. I am soooo glad Kathy sent me this blog, Holly!! I could not agree more with your post and actually thought about how I could use a majority of what you said in so many huddles (Lindsey might kill me if she knew I was quoting her mom), but THANK YOU! I can't wait to continue reading - Lindsay Grim!

    1. ahhhh- thanks so much Lindsay. yes, poor Lindsey would quiver. She lives the sermons daily! Thanks so very much for your kind words. It keeps me going on.....xxxo
