Saturday, February 4, 2012

not my child

I just heard of a horrible incident. One that changes peoples lives.  Moments that happen before you know it.  Leaving lasting impressions.  Horrible tastes in ones mouth. Left with unanswered  questions on what the hell is going on in our world.

A dear friend of mine just told be about a stabbing.

Child against child.

I don't know any details.  I don't even know of the child.  But I do know this. 
I am a mom. 
A mom of 5. 
That makes me a professor, a doctor, a specialist, a psychologist, a social worker, a nanny, and a suitable care giver.
Not perfect.
 Not even close.
But trying with all I have. 

I took on this enormous responsibility 18 years ago.
  No handbook came. 
No manual.
 No friggen idea what to do. 
The love came naturally.
 The lessons....not so much.

So far I have raised some pretty amazing humans.
I have used the tools that came naturally.
  Honesty, humility, bravery, humor and a whole lotta luck.
 ( Fine, at times even I beg to differ.) 
But I would go to bat for anyone of them.
 I have their back. 
They are good. 
They are solid. 
So far.

I have taught them to stand up for what is right. 
To shout when something is wrong.
 To fight to the death with conviction and honesty.
 Be brave, be strong and defend till the end.
If its not right.
Change it.
Don't just stand there and watch.
Do something.

I believe that you are only as good as the day you play.
 play fair.

Who said it was okay to bring a weapon to a fight?
What ever happened to the Jets.
 Didn't the kids in  West Side Story just dance their arguments away?
 It's as if sending our children  to school is sending a 12 year old off to war.
 How do we defend ourselves with a switchblade at our jugular.

"Its NOT my kid".
Ummmm, sorry, BUT YES IT IS. 
Its all of our children.
Black, white, gray and purple.
 Its all of  our children.

 It truly does take a village. 
Its time to take our children home.
 Teach them the lessons that have been lost.
Teach with conviction.
Teach  with bravery .
 Teach with honesty.
and with all of your might,
Pray that they will listen.

My oldest son has been stupid enough to follow a pack.  Following the lions into the pit. Waiting for the cage fight to start.  Getting in the front row to get the best seats.  Cheering on the rumble as if watching the Fight Club on  t.v. Seeing how one fist leads to another.  One blow lands in the wrong spot.
 Leaving futures destroyed.
Pieces of their puzzle scattered all over the playground.
 Families devastated.
 Innocence gone.

If it cannot be handled with dignity.
Walk away.
Walk away as fast as you can.
It is your choice.
Just turn away.

I cannot change the world.  Lord knows I've tried..
At times my sermon's go on deaf ears.
gathered around my kitchen table is our future.

I still preach.
 Loud and clear.
High on top of my multi colored soap box.
Battles are not won on the street corners. 
World problems are not diminished with a punch.. 
Leaders are not made with violence.
No man (or woman) ever achieved greatness with their fists.

Do onto others.

Just be kind.

Teach your children first. 
Then hold on tight .
Pray that they heard you.

Teach them.
While you love them.

Teach them will all the might you have.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Holly. It certainly takes the village and I am grateful for the help.
