Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Stupid things people say:)

All of us moms have thought about writing a book.  A book on the dumbest things that have been said to you after your baby was born.  Okay, I get that people are nervous and they really are trying their best. But maybe we need an updated Emily Post version of what to say to a new mom of a Special Needs Child.

First and foremost what cracks me up is that people forget they are a child!  No matter what label you put on them. They are a little, tiny, beautiful, miraculous baby.
You can keep all of your sorrys  to yourself. We need support, love and an open ear. That's all. We can have our own pity party if we want one. No need for you to invite yourself!
We truly have no idea what we are doing. Taking one day at a time worked for me. Don't ask if you can help me, cuz I have no friggen idea what to do. Just help. Don't ask.
Here are a few of my favorites;

Are you sure he has Down Syndrome?
( gee really? We just guessed )

He really doesn't look like he has DS.
(ya- and you don't look like an idiot)

He looks so 'slight' maybe he will only have a little bit.
(omg , a little bit of what?) (hopefully not a little bit of your ignorance!)

He looks high functioning.
(really, cause you really can judge intelligence when they are 2 weeks old)

Maybe he will grow out of this.
( and you will grow out of being an absolute moron) (nope he has this wonderful label forever!!!)

Where will he live when he is older?
(well, my plan is that I am never going to die.So he will be with me. Stella to my Louise- my forever dance partner.)

He really only looks DS in his eyes.
(and once again YOU only look like an ass all over your face)  :)

I hear you can take vitamins so he can get rid of DS.
(I told God that if he lets Nathaniel live I will gladly accept anything he puts my way.)
Truth be told I would not take an offer to change him in any single solitary way. Nate is absolutely perfect.

He might be able to get a job someday.
(Yes, he is next in line for Mayor of Chicago)

Will he get married?
(maybe, if I can let him go for that long...ummm, probably not.)

Does he have feelings?
(Nataniel wakes up every day in a good mood. He may say bad words or get moody, but he rarely keeps that up. He only knows love. )

Does he know he has DS.
(I tell him he is special because he has an extra 21st chromosome.) He has no clue.

You may be sorry for my road, You may even thank god that you are not wearing my shoes. But from our side of the fence, we feel sorry for you.

We truly feel badly that you all cannot have Natie in your life. A constant force of goodness, laughter, 'I love you' and hugs.

So BAM, feel sorry for me. Because secret is, we have the BEST gift in the world and you don't.

1 comment:

  1. Great post. And this is why I shouldn't be allowed to talk. If there's an inappropriate thing to say, I will always find it. It's a curse. I like the bold!!
