Tuesday, December 13, 2011

They just don't get it..

You know how you love something so much you think everyone else does too.  Like the movie you saw that leaves you with an unforgettable feeling.  The book you just read that has taught you so much. The savoring of the most amazing bite of a freshly baked cookie. The radiance you feel when you smell the air after the first spring rain.  You stop to look at a single snowflake.  You are in awe of its perfection.  Its just so beautiful.  You allow your passions to slip into your soul. It glides you through rough days and lifts you up on others.

We all have our likes, our loves and our own passion. They enter our minds at  different times in our lives. With age it all begins to get clearer. What you once thought was important is now just thrown to the side.  With age comes wisdom. Oprah said we all have an "AH-HA" moment. The single moment when you GET it.

I wonder if you  remember when you received yours?  The kick in your pants that said  'it really doesn't matter who wins the football game'.  In my final moments will I even remember who played?

I have moments of clarity daily. I must remind myself to take a deep breath and enjoy. Life sometimes gets in the way. But if you can remember those moments, you are halfway there.

We all face yucky days. Horrible hours and unbearable minutes.  But trying to stay focused on what matters will help you through.

The other day a friend asked me "Why do I bother". Huh?  Bother with what?  Being nice to strangers?  (they often turn into wonderful friends).  Bother with being a loud cheerleader for Down Syndrome? (a moment spent with Nate will answer why I do that). Bother with living every moment to the fullest? ( I don't care for the alternative).

I am who I am.
Nothing more, nothing less. Yes, as my daughter often tells me "I ride the  crazy bus". I say, jump on board if you wish.  I promise to make it one hell of a ride. But if you feel the need to question "WHY", then I guess you will never get it. So I will have to leave you at the station and bid you a fond farewell.

To me a life without passion is a life without living.

Just saying.


  1. I will ride the crazy bus anytime with you. Yes, Nate brightens my day every time I see him. I will forever be there for all of you. You know just call me.

  2. Why do I bother because it really isn't a bother.
