Saturday, December 17, 2011

This little Jewish girl

"It's kinda fashionable to bring someone Jewish to a holiday party." "Maybe we could rent one"!

That just might be the funniest quote from a client, ever.  I laughed for hours. But then I stopped.

What if he wasn't kidding?

 We have become  a Nation so politically correct. Or at least most of us try.  The Jew jokes can be funny.  I suppose growing up in a predominantly Catholic neighborhood has taught me to have a bit thicker skin than most. Like most jokes, it depends on how it is said and by whom.  Lets not fool ourselves.  Words can hurt.  They cut very deep. They cannot be washed off or forgotten. They stay with you forever. A tattooed memory that at times pops up and tries to destroy your self worth. 

It took me a long time to accept that I am who I am.  Jewish or not. Purple, pink and some times full of glitter.  I cannot change my spots.  I don't want to change my thoughts. I am for the most part pretty happy living in my own, crazy, saggy, overly spray tanned skin.

Accept me for who I am.  Listen to my words if you want. But if you don't, no problem.  Just  leave me the heck alone.

  I was born as a German, Russian, Jewish ,green eyed girl.  That's my place. The card that I was dealt. What I chose to do with that was my choice. I could change my clothing.  Go from purple hair to blond in an hour. Be loud or meek. That is up to me. .But, I will always be, a Jewish, German and Russian, green eyed girl.
 I cannot say that living in a Catholic community as one of the  few Jews is easy.  I crave a good bagel once in awhile and my neighborhood's corned beef is no where near what I desire. But I like being different. I am defiantly not cut from the average cookie cutter. Being different can be a challenge. But its also a blessing in disguise.

Down Syndrome and Jewish.  Oh Lord.

Being Nate is like a medal of honor. He is a local super star. The mayor of Beverly. No Down Syndrome cookie cutter can be applied to any of our special children. They are as unique as each and every fallen snowflake.

The jokes are just not funny. No matter who says them.  Down Syndrome jokes are just plain ignorant. Jokes using the "R" word are disturbing.  I may not be able to change every ones opinion on whats politically correct or funny.  But if you think using the "R" word is humorous, then I can assure you , I have no place in my world for you.

Since when was calling someone a "retard" acceptable. My comments will be brief on this.. I have very little patience for ignorance.  I will not begin to tell you how many times in a day I hear a child (NOT MINE) or an adult refer to something or someone as retarded.  Jennifer Aniston on a talk show referred to her way of dressing as "retarded".  The list goes on and on.

Please take a minute to educate yourself.  Ban the "R" word.  Then remind your children, parents, friends and neighbors that it is just not acceptable.  Nathaniel HAS special needs.  But he is blue eyed, beautiful, talented, funny as hell , little boy!

Phew- got this one out of the way.

Be my guest with the Jewish jokes.  I can  handle them.

You have been forewarned in regards to the "R" jokes.  All bets are off on this one. This little South side Jewish girl is gonna' finish decking the hell out of her halls....But then she's gonna kick your ass.

Words hurt.

Just saying.


  1. I have a special knack for finding Jewish friends. Living in Beverly, I thought my chances were nil (but I've found all 5 of you). Working at an Irish-run company wasn't a problem, either. I am still great friends with all 6 Jewish people there. I have Jew-Dar. Goes back to my grandma, I suppose. (;

  2. Good Morning New Day! I read the Jewish Girl Blog and pulled out my Webster's Dictionary to see the definition of the word retarded. "Hinder..slow" Walked away to make coffee, light incense and turn on Breakfast with the Beatles.

    So here are my thoughts on this beautiful Winter morning...I have a friend who moved to Texas to remain working for his company. He found a few new friends. One friend Kevin has twins, beautiful boy and girl with down syndrome. The young boy went for a simple dental procedure and died last week.

    I also have a 10 year old niece, also a twin, who is my God Child who has a very unusual syndrome. She lives with a permanent trach and feeding tube, a few of the 'visible' signs that she breathes and eats differently. She will never speak but has a beautiful voice. She can never cry (tears) but has enlightening expressions. She also went for a procedure and coded a few years ago.

    Kevin's child died and our Walsh child lived.

    20 of the Walsh family clan traveled ALL TOGETHER thru Ireland this summer. Maddie's nurse and equipment traveled with us.

    I guess I could say I was the hindered child, the weak vulnerable link, in my family and because of that I WAS TAKEN ADVANTAGE well as being the retard / moron / dummy / adopted .... we all know the drill. I never allowed the word dummy or stupid in my home with my children. I also never allowed anyone to ever raise a hand to anyone, not ever. I am so far from perfect. I am a work in progress all the time.

    Here is what I know: I have 3 absolutely outstanding children - ask anyone. We truly love each other - we live 'home' in our hearts, words and deeds with each other and others. We allow each other to make mistakes and fix them again and again and again, me included. We say sorry. Our journey includes forgiveness. Forgiving ourselves first and others. Here is what my children and I know for sure: In the beginning of our next life we will be asked - DID YOU LOVE? We will be able to answer: Yes, Lord we loved in your name.

    I AM YOUR NATE, Holly, in so many ways. When I see Nate I SEE ME. I see myself in so many different people. We are all one body. I don't want to live in the world of who is a Jew or a Christian or gay, straight, poor, rich or retarded...If I do my 'homework' everyday, I find that I am drawn to a person's soul. It is a gift to live life 'soul to soul.' Living a soulful life comes with a lot of hard knocks. I was hit by a car at a really high rate of speed 10 years ago and I worked diligently to get upright again. It NEVER would of happened with out the most soulful people in the world stepping forward and taking my family on the upright journey. I buried a husband at 43 years old. More 'hard-knock' times in life. We ALL have those flashpoints in our lives when we need to look at our lives all over again - Redress ourselves from the souls of our shoes, laces included, all the way up to our hair - do!

    Others choose to see Nate and I as hindered but we are gifts from God. We are very strong and able people.

    We are all hindered in our lifetime. Being hindered is a gift.

    Thanks for the opportunity to share these simple thoughts with you and others. This blog will be very cleansing for those who choose to open their window to our world.

    Peace and joy during this very holy season.

    Feel so blessed to of met you and your beautiful family!


  3. Excellent blog post, Holly. I agree with you that the r-word hurts. As some one with L.D., it hurts when others use that r-word.

    Special Chronicles Podcast -- podcasting a message of respect:

  4. Holly,
    I was guilty of using phrases like "that's retarded" or "that's gay" when I was a teen-ager. Luckily, I was taught and reminded that words should be chosen carefully.

  5. Took me time to read all the comments, but I really enjoyed the article. It proved to be Very helpful to me and I am sure to all the commenters here! It’s always nice when you can not only be informed, but also entertained! print at home
